"If this kind of result was observed for a new prescription drug, it would be a billion-dollar industry to make it available to everyone immediately."

Dr Norman Rosenthal
Renowned psychiatrist & best selling author

Greater resilience to stress
Modern day life is increasingly complex and stressful.
Are you stressed out? Try TM.
Meditate for a healthier heart
Scientific studies show lowering blood pressure & reduction of heart attack are among TM's heart benefits.

Increase your happiness
This effortless meditation works on your brain
chemistry to make you happier.
Improve your clarity of mind & creativity
TM's state of restful alertness allows you to access light bulb moments, unfolding your full potential.

Reduce daily anxiety
Regular practice of Transcendental Meditation gives
a brighter, more positive state of mind.
One simple technique connecting you with the
source of all your energy, creativity and intelligence,
dissolving stress to enrich mind and body,
emotions and relationships.